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Offers free childcare
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Best Holiday Ever
Free Service
Youth Club for ages 11+
Making a positive difference to the lives of young people.

Join us for planting and growing you own plants and vegetables, outdoor crafts and even cooking what we grow!
Under 16s sessions and over 16s session.
Please ring 0191 273 3997 for dates and to book.

The team can be reached via their Central Line: 07826 531575 (Mon - Fri 9am to 4pm)
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and live in Newcastle, we can offer you information and support.
Start for Life combines the Antenatal and Breastfeeding Support projects. We are a team of practitioners and volunteers working alongside midwives and health visitors to offer additional support to families in Newcastle.

Founded by disabled people in 1991 Arcadea is a disability arts organisation and registered charity that works to create better access to the arts for disabled people.

Family friendly inclusive project running on Saturday afternoons. Sessions are 1.30-2.30pm & 3.00-4.00pm.
We make the arts accessible to children with additional needs, their siblings, friends and neighbours. However, all families are welcome.
Come along and explore the Garden. Join with others to make nature inspired art using lots of materials. Explore sound, rhythm and movement. Explore the wildlife through bug hunting or pond dipping.
balletLORENT is a national touring dance theatre company based at the John Marley Centre, Newcastle. We create performance works for all ages, and have an extensive community dance class and workshop programme.

A therapeutic service which aims to reduce the impact of abusive or traumatic experiences on children, young people and families. The Wellness Recovery Project delivers 1-2-1 counselling and therapeutic support for women, children and young people who have been witness to and victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence, or who may have suffered from bereavement and loss.
The service supports young people living in Newcastle, through a range of projects offering holistic support, information and advice. All interventions are delivered with the Barnardo’s Trauma Informed practice. Projects include: The Independence Project: Young People aged 12-18 years. 1:1 support, for up to 6months. Support offered at early help level, around emotional wellbeing through a social prescribing model. |
Church Group - please contact for more information
Newcastle Careers Team are holding careers advice drop-in sessions. We can offer advice about:
- careers and jobs
- apprenticeship vacancies and applications
- training opportunities
- study options such as 6th form, college courses or Study Programmes.

Careers Advice Drop in sessions for 16-19 year olds living in Newcastle
We can offer advice about
- careers and jobs,
- apprenticeship vacancies and applications,
- training opportunities
- study options such as 6th form, college courses or study programmes.
Drop in!
Job Club for 16-19 year olds that live in Newcastle

The Children and Young People’s Service provides a single service to all children and young people aged 0-18 years living in Newcastle and Gateshead who present with mental health difficulties.
This includes children and young people who may be living in difficult and challenging circumstances.
Click here to read more and download a wealth of resources to help support you.
Welcome to Circus Central, Newcastle's finest Circus Arts hub! We bring people of all ages and abilities together to have fun, develop skills, perform, and gain qualifications. At Circus Central, you become part of a thriving community. We offer something for everyone from the curious beginner to the die-hard professional! We also offer provision for schools, community organisations and events.
We're a circus school! You can learn to fly in the air on a trapeze, silks or aerial hoops, do acrobatics, walk on stilts, ride a unicycle, juggle, hula hoop, and more.
Company of Others is a dance theatre company based in Walker.
Suitable for 6 - 17 years old.

Our Contemporary Dance Class is open to young people with learning disabilities who enjoy dance.
All you have to do is turn up! Led by a qualified contemporary dance practitioner.
Beginners contemporary is perfect for those wishing to attend a fun class. This class will leave you feeling energised, inspired and worked out!
A monthly Saturday social get-together for warm and friendly chat while completing any craft that you wish to bring along with you! Small and friendly group – anyone is welcome to join us.
Please let us know in advance if you wish to attend so that entry arrangements can be made for you.
Weekly workshops on Tuesdays 5.30 to 7.30pm at Dance City, Newcastle.
A new group for LGBTQIA+ musicians and aspiring producers Aged 12 - 18 years.
A place for you to

Curious Youth Music is a group for LGBTQIA+ musicians and aspiring producers aged 12-19. Curious Youth Music is a session for all to share your passion for music with fellow music fans.

For Teenagers.
Detached sessions allow the North Benwell Youth Project to engage with potential users and meet young people in the street.
Our vision is that North Benwell will not be considered disadvantaged or deprived. We wish to see the young people of North Benwell enjoy the same possibilities of life as their peers in other areas of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The young people of North Benwell will generate their own hope for the future and be the agents of their own destinies.
We are a small independent business which relies on donations and has no other source of funding.
We do corporate events, bird control, group bookings.
We also offer Flying owl experiences where you not only get to handle a variety of owls but to fly some as well - £20 per person.
Full flying experience includes the handling of birds, flying owls and Harris Hawks - £40 per person.

This is to support ages 16-25 year olds. For North Benwell Families only.
Staff are on hand to offer advice and guidance, help with C.V.’s, applying for online courses, applying to college, applying for benefits and settled status applications too. There are laptops and P.C.'s and printers available to use.
We can also support young people with housing issues, apostils, document identity, opening bank accounts, and navigating the universal credit system.
Please ring for an appointment before attending.
Elswick community leisure centre is a community-led, not-for-profit centre for fitness, health and fun, which houses a public gym, swimming pool, space for community events, meetings and fitness classes.
This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:

The FAB (Fantastic and Brilliant) Group is a group of young people aged 11 to 25 who have SEND.
Every month, the FAB Group come together to make friends and share experiences. The monthly meet-ups alternate between in-person meetings and online meetings. Learn more on our website.
We believe in the importance of a support network of people who understand.
FAB Group is open to everyone who identifies as living with a disability, regardless of what stage of diagnosis you are at.
Our regular Family friendly session take place every Friday from 3-4pm. At this event you can take part in free creative tasks and activities designed for all ages in a welcoming, quiet and safe space. This is a chance to meet new people, learn about the current exhibition or spend time in our communal area.
For age 12 + at Walker activity dome
This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:
- we offer small group work and activities,
- we offer peer support (buddy/mentoring system)
- parents/carers are welcome to have a pre-visit and to discuss individual needs prior to the activities
- our project is very warm and welcoming to all children and young people.