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  • offer free places child with pigtails logo
    Offers free childcare

  • Part of our local offer
  • Best Spring Ever logo
    Best Holiday Ever
  • Free service
    Free Service

Come along and chat to a Health Visitor about feeding your baby. You can come while you are pregnant or once your baby is born. Ask any questions about  bottle feeding , breast feeding and  weaning. No need to book. 

You can also call us to book a breastfeeding support appointments. Appointments with a Health visitor are available city wide Tuesday to Friday. 

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles

Youth Club for ages 11+ 


Making a positive difference to the lives of young people.

Contact Fawdon 0191 211 5773
0.00 miles

A fun and friendly baby and toddler group for under 5s. Come and join us for arts and crafts, free play and story time with Islamic flavour.  We have a wide range of toys and craft activities suitable for all children.  Story time and health snack is provided. 

Term Time only. 

Please call to book a space. 

  • healthy snack

  • physical activity

0789 035 8607 (Shamim), 0191 277 4400
0.00 miles

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5-year-old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some groups.
0191 265 6158
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Join us for planting and growing you own plants and vegetables, outdoor crafts and even cooking what we grow!

Under 16s sessions and over 16s session.

Please ring 0191 273 3997 for dates and to book.
0191 273 3997
0.00 miles

We offer exciting and engaging football coaching for young people across the North East. We use game based practices, leading to high levels of engagement and development.
0.00 miles
offers a free service

The team can be reached via their Central Line: 07826 531575 (Mon - Fri 9am to 4pm)

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and live in Newcastle, we can offer you information and support.

Start for Life combines the Antenatal and Breastfeeding Support projects. We are a team of practitioners and volunteers working alongside midwives and health visitors to offer additional support to families in Newcastle.

07826 531575, 0191 272 4244
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Antenatal Classes

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Antenatal Classes

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles

Antenatal Classes

To book onto a class please ring 0191 282 3319. There are 3 classes:

Labour and birth 

Infant Feeding

Baby Practical and getting to know your baby

The classes are run by 

0191 282 3319 , 0191 282 3528
0.00 miles

Antenatal Classes

0191 282 3319
0.00 miles
Part of our local offer

Founded by disabled people in 1991 Arcadea is a disability arts organisation and registered charity that works to create better access to the arts for disabled people.
07426 933623
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Family friendly inclusive project running on Saturday afternoons. Sessions are 1.30-2.30pm & 3.00-4.00pm.

We make the arts accessible to children with additional needs, their siblings, friends and neighbours. However, all families are welcome.

Come along and explore the Garden. Join with others to make nature inspired art using lots of materials. Explore sound, rhythm and movement. Explore the wildlife through bug hunting or pond dipping.
0191 275 0000 the gardens and Sally - 07808 473300
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Bring your child along for a fun filled session with other children. This will help to develop their personal, social and emotional skills.

Activities include song and rhyme and sensory play.

A great opportunity to meet other local families. 

  • Physical activity
  • Baby area
  • Music / song time

Term time only.
0191 272 7824
0.00 miles

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults. This includes mothers, fathers, childminders or carers. They all come together in their own community with their children who are under the age of 5. This parent and groups offer play opportunities for children from birth to 18months old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others. They also offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. 

Booking maybe required at some groups.
0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
07961 734298
0.00 miles

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
07961 734298
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
0191 272 7824
0.00 miles

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
07961 734298
0.00 miles

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
07961 734298
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
0191 2260754
0.00 miles

Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation. 

Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
07961 734298
0.00 miles

A welcoming and friendly group. For parents, carers and their babies. Lots of games and play to help your baby develop.


0.00 miles
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