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  • offer free places child with pigtails logo
    Offers free childcare

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  • Best Spring Ever logo
    Best Holiday Ever
  • Free service
    Free Service

Monday, 11.30am - 12.30pm: Badminton
Tuesday, 3pm - 4pm: Rooftop pitch football
Wednesday, 2.15pm - 2.45pm: Studio cycling
Thursday, 11.30am - 12.30pm: Badminton
Friday, 3pm - 4pm Rooftop pitch football

To Book: Visit
'What's On - Multi-Sports Sessions'

0.00 miles
offers a free service

Safe for Life Course beginning 17 April 2024  12.30pm-2.30pm @ West End Women and Girls Centre, crèche spaces are available for children.

A referral can be made for anyone who identifies as a woman who has experienced Domestic Abuse.

10 week course that covers-
0191 2734942
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Join us for planting and growing you own plants and vegetables, outdoor crafts and even cooking what we grow!

Under 16s sessions and over 16s session.

Please ring 0191 273 3997 for dates and to book.
0191 273 3997
0.00 miles
offers a free service

The team can be reached via their Central Line: 07826 531575 (Mon - Fri 9am to 4pm)

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and live in Newcastle, we can offer you information and support.

Start for Life combines the Antenatal and Breastfeeding Support projects. We are a team of practitioners and volunteers working alongside midwives and health visitors to offer additional support to families in Newcastle.

07826 531575, 0191 272 4244
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Family friendly inclusive project running on Saturday afternoons. Sessions are 1.30-2.30pm & 3.00-4.00pm.

We make the arts accessible to children with additional needs, their siblings, friends and neighbours. However, all families are welcome.

Come along and explore the Garden. Join with others to make nature inspired art using lots of materials. Explore sound, rhythm and movement. Explore the wildlife through bug hunting or pond dipping.
0191 275 0000 the gardens and Sally - 07808 473300
0.00 miles

balletLORENT is a national touring dance theatre company based at the John Marley Centre, Newcastle. We create performance works for all ages, and have an extensive community dance class and workshop programme.
0191 233 1811
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Careers Advice Drop in sessions for 16-19 year olds living in Newcastle

We can offer advice about 

  • careers and jobs, 
  • apprenticeship vacancies and applications, 
  • training opportunities
  • study options such as 6th form, college courses or study programmes.

Drop in!

Job Club for 16-19 year olds that live in Newcastle
0191 277 1944
0.00 miles
Part of our local offer

Ridley Villas is supported housing that provides help for women who have children, who are living in Newcastle and Gateshead who need support with overcoming issues with drugs or alcohol, or both.
0191 232 9181
0.00 miles

Welcome to Circus Central, Newcastle's finest Circus Arts hub! We bring people of all ages and abilities together to have fun, develop skills, perform, and gain qualifications. At Circus Central, you become part of a thriving community. We offer something for everyone from the curious beginner to the die-hard professional! We also offer provision for schools, community organisations and events.

We're a circus school! You can learn to fly in the air on a trapeze, silks or aerial hoops, do acrobatics, walk on stilts, ride a unicycle, juggle, hula hoop, and more.
07738 089 921
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Suitable for girls aged 11-16 years.

Our FREE sessions are a safe space for young people to come and socialise, learn about the world around them and take part in activities like;

  • arts and crafts
  • cooking
  • gardening
  • group games
  • sports

The sessions are led by the young people, they choose what they would like to do in their youth clubs and plan their activities. Snacks and drinks are available in all sessions. 

A registration form must be filled in for each young person.
0191 264 1959
0.00 miles
offers a free service


Do you have a favourite computer game? Would you like to learn how to make your own computers games?

At Code Club you can learn how to make cool games, animations & websites too!

For 9 – 13 year olds

0191 2774100
0.00 miles

For girls aged 8-13 years. Come along and learn new recipes, how to grow things, ride bikes, play games and make new friends.
0191 273 4942
0.00 miles
offers a free service

Couch to 2k – is our new pilot project improving young people’s fitness, health and well-being. Referrals come via Paediatricians at The Great North Children’s Hospital. Our Youth Workers then support young people to run 3 times per week in Leazes Park Newcastle, building up to a timed 2K at the end of 4 weeks. To encourage participation and remove barriers for young people to get involved, each young person receives an e- voucher to purchase sports clothes, trainers etc. and they also receive a basic fit-bit watch and Children’s Foundation water bottle.
0191 282 0000
0.00 miles
Part of our local offer

Are you ready to groove and move to the beat?  Our exciting fully funded Street Dance Workshop is the perfect blend of fun, fitness and funky moves.

For ages 8+

Booking is essential
0191 272 7824
0.00 miles
offers a free service

This course is ideal for you whether you have been out of work for a while or recently out of work and would like support to move into employment, self-employment or further training.

Through this 5-week course, you will be supported to increase confidence & motivation and to think about & put a plan in place to help you to move forward and take your next steps.

Please see website for further details.
0191 272 5115
0.00 miles
offers a free service

For Teenagers.

Detached sessions allow the North Benwell Youth Project to engage with potential users and meet young people in the street.

Our vision is that North Benwell will not be considered disadvantaged or deprived.  We wish to see the young people of North Benwell enjoy the same possibilities of life as their peers in other areas of Newcastle upon Tyne.

The young people of North Benwell will generate their own hope for the future and be the agents of their own destinies.
0191 2983201
0.00 miles

Starting March 2023

This Early Years Educator course will provide you with the skills and knowledge of a child's health and early development required to work with children from birth to 5 years.
0191 226 0754
0.00 miles

Elswick community leisure centre is a community-led, not-for-profit centre for fitness, health and fun, which houses a public gym, swimming pool, space for community events, meetings and fitness classes.


This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:
0191 481 4101
0.00 miles
Part of our local offer
offers a free service

The FAB (Fantastic and Brilliant) Group is a group of young people aged 11 to 25 who have SEND. 

Every month, the FAB Group come together to make friends and share experiences. The monthly meet-ups alternate between in-person meetings and online meetings. Learn more on our website.

We believe in the importance of a support network of people who understand.

FAB Group is open to everyone who identifies as living with a disability, regardless of what stage of diagnosis you are at.
0191 273 3997
0.00 miles

For girls aged 8-13 years. Play music, sing, mc, learn an instrument.
0191 273 4942
0.00 miles
offers a free service

For girls aged 11-13.

The group offers opportunities to explore life and relationship issues and practise life-skills such as planning and organising in a safe environment. This will also help to build self-esteem and confidence.

Please ring before attending.
0191 2983201
0.00 miles

Get active with Hat-Trick. Sessions include football, cricket, tennis and more.

All sessions are free of charge and there is no referral required or waiting list.

This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:
0.00 miles

Get active with Hat-Trick. Sessions include football, cricket, tennis and more.

All sessions are free of charge and there is no referral required or waiting list.

This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:

0.00 miles
offers a free service

Get active with Hat-Trick. Sessions include football, cricket, tennis and more.

All sessions are free of charge and there is no referral required or waiting list.

This is a warm, caring and kind place to be because:
0191 242 4892
0.00 miles

Youth Group for Ages 14+ 

Activities include:

  • Sports, 
  • Beauty, 
  • Safe zone, 
  • Chillout, 
  • Music, 
  • Fun Youth Group vibes 

Ring or email for further information.
0780 833 9983
0.00 miles
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