Action on Smoking & Health

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) was established in 1971 (20 January) by the Royal College of Physicians. It is a campaigning public health charity that works to eliminate the harm caused by tobacco. We do not attack smokers or condemn smoking. The organisation is headed by the Chief Executive, Deborah Arnott, and governed by a Board of Trustees. The Duke of Gloucester is our patron.

While we aim to be innovative and agenda setting in our work, our policies are always evidence based and follow a dual approach:

  • Information and networking: To develop opinion and awareness about the “tobacco epidemic”
  • Advocacy and campaigning: To press for policy measures that will reduce the burden of addiction, disease and premature death attributable to tobacco.

Registered Charity No. 262067

Who to contact

  • 0207 404 0242

Other Details

Location Details

West Wing

John Snow HouseDurham University Science ParkDurhamCounty Durham


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