After your baby is born


After your baby is born our team is here to support you and your baby.

Postnatal refers to the period of time after your baby is born.  It is a period of physical and emotional adjustment as you and your baby settle into your new roles. Your midwife and the support team are here to ensure you and your baby’s wellbeing. They will help you get off to the best possible start.  

If your baby is born on the delivery suite you will most likely be transferred to one of our postnatal wards. If your baby is born at the Newcastle Birthing Centre, or at home you will most likely stay in the same place as long as all remains well.

For babies with additional care needs, we also have the neonatal intensive care unit. Some of our babies require a longer stay in hospital and may have families who live outside of Newcastle. Crawford House provides a home from home to support these families.

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