Care to Learn Childcare Funding for Young Parents

Care to Learn, which was started 20 years ago as part of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, continues to provide funding for childcare to help young parents continue in education after the birth of a child. Young parents are defined as those aged under 20 at the date they start their study programme. It can help the young parent with any additional travel costs involved in taking the child to the childcare provider and also provides funding for childcare whilst young parents are on work placements or industry placements, where these are a defined part of the study programme.

After a review of Care to Learn last year, to which some of you helpfully contributed, the guidance has been updated and the weekly rates have been increased from £160 per week to £180 per child outside London and from £175 to £195 per child in London.

More detail and information about how to apply for funding is in the C2L guide for 2023-2024 academic year.

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