Look Say Sing Play
From the moment babies are born, their minds need nourishment, but it can be difficult to think up new ways for mums, dads, grandparents and carers to keep them engaged.
That’s why Newcastle City Council has teamed up with the NSPCC to share its Look, Say, Sing, Play campaign and support anyone who helps to look after a baby in Newcastle.
Did you know that every time you use silly voices, play or just sing with a baby, you’re helping their mind grow? More than that, you’re also helping to develop a powerful bond with the baby which could last a lifetime.
Look, Say, Sing, Play gives new parents and carers the confidence to have fun with their babies, safe in the knowledge that every song they sing or game they play will help develop their brain.
You don’t need any expensive toys, games or equipment, you can just use your voice and whatever you have to hand to build those bonds with your baby while carrying out your daily schedule.
Parents and carers are encouraged to Look at what their baby is focusing on and how they react, Say what they’re doing and copy the sounds their baby makes, Sing along to their favourite tune and Play simple games and see what their baby enjoys.
Anyone can sign up to receive free, weekly tips, sessions, and emails, to strengthen the bond between carer and child and help young minds develop. More details can be found on the NSPCC website.
Here is a short video on Youtube about this service https://youtube.com/shorts/140KpdeZFfM?feature=share