Digital Resource for Carers

Digital Resource for Carers

Having the right information at the right time can make a huge difference to carers and the person they look after

Developed with the specialist knowledge of Carers UK,  the Digital Resource for Carers platform is packed with e-learning, factsheets, guides and tools to help carers manage their caring responsibilities. It covers areas such as health and wellbeing, practical support with caring including short breaks, help with finances, and information on carers’ rights including rights at work. Carers can learn how technology and home adaptations can help with care and caring and access for free Carers UK's care coordination app, Jointly, to organise care.

With funding from NHS England, carers now have access to this FREE resource.

Carers will need to create an account and use a Free Access Code that can be given to them by their GP practice

More information can be found at, from NCC Carers Lead Fiona Richardson ( or Debbie Johnson at the ICB (


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