Free meals and cheap food in Newcastle

Free meals and cheap food in Newcastle

There are free hot meals and takeaway food provided by volunteer and community groups in Newcastle. They welcome people who are hungry or lonely to eat a hot meal.

There are community meals and pay as you feel supermarkets or pantries where you can buy low cost food. These often use food donated by companies where it would otherwise go to waste.

Click here for more details on what’s available in Newcastle.

We also have a list of the Food Banks and free emergency food in Newcastle.

The services listed on this page are provided by organisations independent to the council. We update this information regularly, but opening times and availability can change. Opening times are different during bank holidays.

Before attending a place we recommend you check it is running and that you’re eligible to receive the service. Some services are only for adults or rough sleepers. Please note there may be a limit to the number of times you can access a service due to high demands in Newcastle. 


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