Consultation: New SEND school for pupils with Autism

Consultation: New SEND school for pupils with Autism

We are delighted to let you know that Newcastle City Council has launched a consultation on proposals to establish a new school in the city for children with Autism. 


It is proposed that the new school will have capacity for around 200 children and young people aged 4 -16 years with a range of abilities and differences associated with autism. All of the pupils will have an Education, Health and Care Plan and a primary need of autism. 


The route to establishing a new school is to follow the DfE’s Free School Presumption process to appoint a multi-academy trust (MAT) to run the school. This consultation is the first stage of that process.


You can read more about the proposal and respond to the consultation here.


Please submit your response to the consultation online by Wednesday 13 March 2024.


There is a summary below of the different groups of stakeholders that this consultation is being sent to but please feel free to share it with anybody else who you think might be interested.


If you have any difficulty accessing the consultation documents or have any specific queries, please contact us by emailing:


This consultation has been shared with:

  • All Newcastle schools and Academy Trusts
  • Newcastle City Council Councillors and staff 
  • Stakeholder Groups, such as SEND Executive Board, Promise Board, Health partners
  • Newcastle’s Parent/Carer Forum
  • Trade Unions
  • Voluntary & Community sector contacts
  • Youth Voice colleagues
  • Newcastle City Council websites and social media
  • Local dioceses
  • Neighbouring local authorities
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