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Offers free childcare
Part of our local offer
Best Holiday Ever
Free Service

TimbaDash Theatre presents 'Timba Time!' at the Alan Shearer Activity Centre.
Antenatal Classes
Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation.
Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
Baby massage is a lovely way to enjoy time with your baby. It can help you bond with them. It can also help with colic, teething, snuffles, and circulation.
Come to our friendly 5 week course and find out more!
A welcoming and friendly group. For parents, carers and their babies. Lots of games and play to help your baby develop.
Come and join in the fun with a game of Bingo!
There is a cost to this activity.
For more information please phone 0191 286 4046
Our breastfeeding social groups are for families living in Newcastle. They are relaxed, informal and friendly. They are a great way to

Ridley Villas is supported housing that provides help for women who have children, who are living in Newcastle and Gateshead who need support with overcoming issues with drugs or alcohol, or both.
Suitable for girls aged 12+ years.
Our FREE sessions are a safe space for young people to come and socialise, learn about the world around them and take part in activities like;
- arts and crafts
- cooking
- gardening
- group games
- sports
The sessions are led by the young people, they choose what they would like to do in their youth clubs and plan their activities. Snacks and drinks are available in all sessions.
A registration form must be filled in for each young person.
Our FREE inters sessions are a safe space for young people aged between 12-16 years to come and socialise, learn about the world around them and take part in activities like;
- arts and crafts
- cooking
- gardening
- group games
- sports
The sessions are led by the young people, they choose what they would like to do in their youth clubs and plan their activities. Snacks and drinks are available in all sessions.
A registration form must be filled in for each young person.

Information for families on thing like;
- benefits
- work
- debt and money
- housing
- family
- law and courts
- immigration and health
Dance classes. For all ages and abilities.
For more information please contact via email, phone or Facebook.
There is a small fee.
Family activity for ages 0-5 year olds.
Come and join in healthy cooking activities. Have a dance and share story ideas. Learn about food hygiene and portion sizes. We will also share tips to improve dental health.
Watch our clip to see what is involved! Cook Play and Learn
Learn to cook easy, delicious meals using simple ingredients.
Receive a goody bag and be in with a chance of winning an air fryer!
Booking is required. Please ring to book a place.

Couch to 2k – is our new pilot project improving young people’s fitness, health and well-being. Referrals come via Paediatricians at The Great North Children’s Hospital. Our Youth Workers then support young people to run 3 times per week in Leazes Park Newcastle, building up to a timed 2K at the end of 4 weeks. To encourage participation and remove barriers for young people to get involved, each young person receives an e- voucher to purchase sports clothes, trainers etc. and they also receive a basic fit-bit watch and Children’s Foundation water bottle.
A monthly Saturday social get-together for warm and friendly chat while completing any craft that you wish to bring along with you! Small and friendly group – anyone is welcome to join us.
Please let us know in advance if you wish to attend so that entry arrangements can be made for you.
Dance City is a vibrant and friendly place where people come together to take part, enjoy, experience and talk about dance; where professional and aspiring dancers meet, learn and train; somewhere to watch world class dance performances and somewhere for all to come along and get involved in dance. People come to Dance City to socialise, learn new skills, keep fit and active, train professionally and find out more about dance. This all takes place under one roof, in our purpose-built dance-house, in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Sessions are for children aged 6 to 11 and not yet in secondary school. They are friendly and welcoming and include things like;
- sports and games
- cookery
- arts & crafts
- project based work
- socialising with friends
Please contact the project before attending. Your first session is free!
Sessions are for children aged 11+ who have started secondary school. They are friendly and welcoming and include things like;
- sports and games
- cookery
- arts & crafts
- project based work
- socialising with friends
Please contact the project before attending. Your first session is free!

Free family law advice on things like; domestic abuse, supporting children through separation or divorce and parents rights.
If you are unrepresented and need advice on family law then pop in and have a chat.
Come and enjoy delicious home cooked food.
Open Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 2.30pm

Food bank run by volunteers.
We know it can be hard to walk through a food bank door. Our volunteers are kind and caring. They can help you with food and other support you might need.

Suitable for girls aged 11-16 years.
Our FREE sessions are a safe space for young people to come and socialise, learn about the world around them and take part in activities like;
- arts and crafts
- cooking
- gardening
- group games
- sports
The sessions are led by the young people, they choose what they would like to do in their youth clubs and plan their activities. Snacks and drinks are available in all sessions.
A registration form must be filled in for each young person.

Our FREE junior sessions are a safe space for children aged between 5-12 years to come and socialise, play freely, learn about the world around them and take part in activities like;
- arts and crafts
- cooking
- gardening
- group games
- sports
The sessions are led by the children, they choose what they would like to do in their youth clubs and plan their activities. Snacks and drinks are available in all sessions.