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  • offer free places child with pigtails logo
    Offers free childcare

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    Free Service

A fun and friendly baby and toddler group for under 5s, providing arts and crafts, free play and story time with Islamic flavour.  We have a wide range of toys and craft activities suitable for all children.  Story time and health snack is provided. 

Term Time only. 

Please call to book a space. 

  • healthy snack

  • physical activity

  • music / song time

0789 035 8607 (Shamim), 0191 277 4400
0.00 miles

Join us for a very warm welcome and for play, stories and songs for children aged 0 - 5 years

Please book via email
0.00 miles

This is a group of adults, mothers, fathers, grandparents, childminders or carers that come together with their new babies (under 18 months). It offer activities that help development, as well as an opportunity to mix with others, support, and a break from the normal routines of the day. 

For more information on this groups you can visit Napi website or Facebook Page

0.00 miles
offers a free service

Suitable for babies from birth to 12 months

Come along and find out how baby massage can help your baby in many ways.

Contact us for more details.
0191 2260754
0.00 miles
offers a free service

A fun filled musical session with songs and rhymes. Our group is focused on sensory play and musical exploration for 0 – 2 yrs & 3 months.

0191 2260754
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from 6 months to 4 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day.
0191 2656158
0.00 miles

This is a parent and baby group, a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their babies who are under the age of 1 (or any child who isn't walking) in their own community.  They offer play opportunities, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some groups.

For more information on this groups you can visit Napi website or Facebook Page

This toddler group offers:

0191 2656158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some groups.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.
0191 2656158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.
0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

Come and join us for story time in our lovely cafe. 

0.00 miles

Family activity for children aged 0-5.

  • Healthy cooking activities
  • Let's move together / dance / music / story ideas
  • Introduction to food hygiene

Plus, information about safe food storage, portion sizes, dental health, tips for reducing sugar and more!

Watch our clip to see what is involved! Cook Play and Learn
0191 272 4244
0.00 miles

Family activity for children aged 0-5.

  • Healthy cooking activities
  • Let's move together / dance / music / story ideas
  • Introduction to food hygiene
  • Plus, information about safe food storage, portion sizes, dental health, tips for reducing sugar and more!

Watch our clip to see what is involved! Cook Play and Learn
0191 272 4244
0.00 miles

A relaxed session for pre- walking babies who are finding their own unique ways to move around.

This is an opportunity for early movers to explore their curiosity, learn songs, make new friends and explore the senses whilst discovering some of our curious museum objects.
Den spaces and a selection of toys will be provided to explore and move between at their own pace.

0191 2656158
0.00 miles

Our group is focused on providing sessions for parents and children 0-4 years living in Newcastle for Outdoor gardening activities.

  • Healthy snack
  • Physical activity

This is an outdoor group at Scotswood gardens.

For more information on this groups you can visit Napi website or Facebook Page
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.
0191 277 7800
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 2656158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

An interactive music and song sessions are led by an early years music specialist – help your little ones continue to develop their speech and language skills.

Admission is £5 (for one adult and one child), and £1 for additional children with the same adult. No need to book, just turn up on the day!

0.00 miles

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 15months, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.

0191 265 6158
0.00 miles

What to expect

A parent and toddler group is a welcoming and friendly group of adults, mothers, fathers, childminders or carers that come together with their children who are under the age of 5 in their own community.  They offer play opportunities for children from birth to 5 year old, as well as an opportunity to mix with others.  They offer support to adults and a break from the normal routines of the day. Booking maybe required at some group.
0191 2656158
0.00 miles
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