Stonewall - Acceptance without exception

We're here to let all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, here and abroad, know they're not alone.

We believe we're stronger united, so we partner with organisations that help us create real change for the better. We have laid deep foundations across Britain - in some of our greatest institutions - so our communities can continue to find ways to flourish, and individuals can reach their full potential. We’re here to support those who can’t yet be themselves.

But our work is not finished yet. Not until everyone feels free to be who they are, wherever they are.

Lesbian, gay, bi and trans communities are incredibly diverse; it’s what makes them amazing. Our mission is to make sure everyone is accepted without exception. That means supporting all ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds. It means supporting people of all faiths and none. It means supporting disabled people, asylum seekers, people experiencing social exclusion and poverty. It means not limiting what we do in the UK to one city or nation and not limiting what we do around the world to the places that always make the news.

It means supporting your right to be you.

But we can’t do that work on our own. We need to hear from LGBT people and allies who can help us get things right and let us know when we can improve.

Charity Number:1101255

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