Happiness Survey Feedback

Happiness Survey Feedback


On this page, we have the feedback gathered from children and young people, parent/ carers and staff who have been involved in the happiness survey.

The settings which we asked to get involved were Early Years, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Specialist Schools.

Click below to watch a video which narrates what we have learnt by gathering the views of those involved in the Happiness Survey.


The video below is a message from our Children's Champions who are involved in the Happiness Survey workshops.

This video is a message from our Youth Champions are involved in the Happiness Survey workshops.

The following videos are what our children and young people said is the recipe for what makes a great school!


Hotspur Chocolate Chip Cookie School

Trinity Chocolate Chip Cookie School

Please click on the links below to watch our biteable videos from our schools involved.

Regent Farm Chocolate Chip Cookie School Regent Farm Chocolate Chip Cookie school | Biteable

Benton Park Chocolate Chip Cookie School Benton Primary Chocolate Chip Cookie school | Biteable

Broadwood Primary Chocolate Chip Cookie School A Recipe for the best school - Broadwood Primary | Biteable


This document is the Happiness Survey Action Plan Pro Forma. Click the link to download.

There is a working group established with Health, Education and Social care leads to come up with a plan of action in response.

The first meeting is on 9th November 4:00- 5:00pm.

If you are a parent/carer or young person who would like to be involved in this working group contact Jill by texting 07974215459 or e mail Jillian.bauld@newcastle.gov.uk


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