Newcastle Disability Forum

Newcastle Disability Forum (NDF) works as a voice for disabled people in Newcastle and is represented on various health groups.

NDF is one of the principal disability organisations in Newcastle, recognised by local and health authorities for advice and guidance on physical and sensory impairment and learning disability issues.

NDF has over 130 disabled members and hold regular monthly meetings. Guests are invited to these meetings to give out information and to answer questions from disabled people.

NDF also has working groups which deal with issues such as transport, health, social care, education and training, access to services and buildings. NDF acts as a voice service for disabled people throughout the whole city.

If you are a disabled person or a family, friend or carer of a disabled person NDF can help you with; finding out information about the Council and Health Service, raising your concerns about housing, transport, leisure and education, opportunities for becoming a volunteer with NDF.

We can also help with complaints you may have over the way you have been treated and put you in contact with other people or organisations that share your beliefs and concerns.

Who to contact

  • 0191 284 0580

Other Details

Location Details

The Dene Centre

Castle Farm Road


Newcastle upon Tyne



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