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Childcare Information

Childcare Information

Childcare providers are open and operating in a Covid-19 secure way. If have any concerns you can discuss these with providers.

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We work with Ofsted to provide information about registered childcare providers like day nurseries, childminders, playgroups, before and after school clubs. In the information about each childcare setting you will also find useful information like the grade from their last Ofsted inspection.

Types of Childcare

Ofsted registers and inspects many types of childcare provision. They set standards to ensure that settings offer safe and caring environments which offer opportunities to become independent, socialise and get involved in fun play and learning activities based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Most group settings and many childminders offer the equivalent of 15 hours per week free early years education for targeted 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year olds.

Registered childminders

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Day nurseries

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Pre-school playgroups

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Out of school clubs and holiday schemes

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Nursery schools and nursery classes attached to schools

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Nannies and home childcarers



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Childcare in Newcastle

Childcare Sufficiency

The Childcare Act 2006 requires each Local Authority in England to secure sufficient childcare for parents in work or engaged in training which will enable them to access employment.

Local Authorities are given a key role in shaping the childcare market and should work in partnership with providers from the private, voluntary, independent and maintained sectors, to create a sustainable and diverse childcare market that meets the needs of parents and carers.

Newcastle City Council has a Childcare Sufficiency team whose remit is to work with childcare providers to ensure that they are fit for purpose. They support individuals and organisations seeking to establish new childcare, and established providers developing or expanding their provision.

Childcare settings are required to have arrangements in place to support children who have Special Educational needs or disabilities, as well as making reasonable adjustments to include children in the provision. In Newcastle childcare providers are supported to do this through an integrated framework of support delivered by the Local Authority.

Free childcare places for two-three and four-year-olds

All parents of pre-school children in Newcastle are entitled to some free early education and childcare before they take up a reception place.

The pages below provide more information:

All three and four year olds are entitled to at least 15 hours per week, term time or 570 hours over the year. Some working parents are entitled to 30 hours (or 1140 hours over the whole year) Many two year olds are entitled to 15 hours a year early if they are from lower income families or meet some other criteria

Help with childcare costs for older children

You can also get help with childcare costs for older children or for hours in addition to your free entitlement.  This can be through Tax Free Childcare or support through Tax Credits or Universal Credit.

Childcare for Children with SEND

Hazel reviewing current content

Fostering & Adoption

Social Care - add as related page?

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