Part of our local offer

Local Offer Champions

Local Offer Champions

Newcastle's Local Offer is a range of information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND, aged 0 to 25 years old, and their families.  There's also lots of places to go and fun things to do on the Local Offer website.

But many households in Newcastle still do not have internet access.  And so to help them find out about the Local Offer and what's available, we have leaflets, free internet access at locations across the city and people called Local Offer Champions.

Newcastle's Local Offer Champions are often key frontline workers supporting children and young people with SEND and their families.  Champions will be familiar with the Local Offer and its website.  They will help people find out more about the Local Offer, what's in it for them and signpost key organisations who can offer further assistance. Champions will help people to get the right information from the right organisation at the right time.

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