Rosie's Story - Supported Employment Service
Rosie's Story - Supported Employment Service
Rosie is in her mid-twenties and has a mild learning disability. She is currently supported by WorkFirst/Work Choice (part of Newcastle’s Supported Employment Service).
“I volunteer at a local charity shop, this helps me with my customer service skills and confidence when dealing with customer enquiries.“
What were your worries about getting into work?
I was very anxious about moving into paid work and was introduced by my keyworker to Capability’s, where I was able to gain customer service skills and become more confident within a supportive, working environment.
I had been on benefits for a while and both my family and I were worried about losing these due to working. My keyworker introduced me to Supported Permitted Work initially so that I could try employment while remaining on benefits.
What have you done so far to get nearer to work?
I volunteer at Oxfam Head Office and this has helped me to keep my skills up within an office environment.
I also had a work experience placement in the reception at YHN House. My keyworker organised this so that I could see what work could be like before I began looking for paid work.
I was offered a variety of work experience placements at Northumbria University so I could get a taste of different posts.
Who has helped you?
WorkFirst, Capability’s, Northumbria University
What have you learned along the way?
I just know I want to stay in work and don’t want to go back on benefits. I know now that it is better for me, not only financially but how I feel about myself. I love working and being independent. I have great colleagues who like me being around and appreciate that I am a hard worker and will help them with any task asked of me.
I think I am very well thought of by all, students and staff alike. I smile all the time when I am at work as I am happy to be there. I am told that I have a knack of putting people at their ease. I try to be as enthusiastic as possible, offering help to all and I am willing to do any task asked of me. I appreciate my job every day and can walk with my head held high.
Your employment so far
During my time at Capability’s I was introduced to Northumbria University by my keyworker. I was involved in filing, photocopying, shredding, and data-input. I did not feel very confident about dealing with the face to face, customer focussed type of work, but due to the support offered to me I quickly settled into the routine of the office environment where I was based.
After a while I was encouraged to deal with requests from students. At first I would shadow with a colleague and once I was confident I attended the reception window by myself when the bell rang.
I was offered a few hours paid work and this was really successful. My manager recognised my potential and she offered me a paid role for 16 hours per week. This meant I could come off my benefits and become more independent. My keyworker has helped me to apply for an interview for a post within the Library at Coach Lane Campus. I was successful for this post and will start at the beginning of July.