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Newcastle City Council Autism Education Trust Training Hub

Newcastle City Council Autism Education Trust Training Hub

The Autism Education Trust (AET) was set up in part by the National Autistic Society. Recognised by the Department of Education, it provides high quality training to schools and educational settings.

From September 2020 Newcastle City Council is an Autism Education Trust (AET) Training Hub.

This means that children and young people in schools and Early Years settings will benefit from being taught and supported by staff who have followed a programme of training in autism that is nationally recognised and supported by the Department for Education.
Staff will also have access to very high-quality materials which are systematically reviewed and updated.

This training will be funded by Newcastle City Council and provided by SEND Outreach Service specialist teachers from September 2020.

Who to contact

Contact Name: Wendy Usher
Telephone: 0191 2778829
Website: Autism Education Trust website
Parent Organisation: SEND Outreach Service
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