Part of our local offer

SEND Outreach Service

SEND Outreach Service

What do we do?

As a whole service, we:

  • provide support to help children access learning and make progress in their school or setting

  • advise and provide a range of training to staff to enable them to plan appropriate interventions and support packages for children with SEND

In addition, for younger pre-school aged children, SEND Outreach Service, Early Years:

  • visits children in their own homes to provide teaching advice and support

  • plan a range of opportunities to develop each child's play and learning 

  • provide specialist support and advice to help parents make informed choices about the education of their children


School Support Team

Currently, for advice and support in relation to children and young people of school age, the following teams can be accessed by schools through the Newcastle SEN Advice and Support Allocation Panel (SEN ASAP).

  • Cognition and Learning Needs
  • (Autism) Communication and Interaction Needs
  • Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia/Dyscalculia)
  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs

Some teams within the School Support team are accessed in a different way:

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Team

This multi-disciplinary team provides assessment, advice and direct intervention for school aged pupils.

Pupils are referred to the DLD team following a recommendation from either NHS Speech and Language Therapy or from a SENDOS specialist teacher.


Who to contact

Angela Gemmell, Manager – SEND Outreach Service
Mobile: 07970623209

Hazel Newstead, Early Years Lead - SEND Outreach Service
Mobile: 07554459229

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