Part of our local offer

SEND Outreach Service - Social Emotional and Mental Health

SEND Outreach Service - Social Emotional and Mental Health

Who we are?

We are Specialist Nursery Nurses within the SEND Outreach service. We work specifically with children with Social Emotional and Mental Health challenges. We work closely with a named Education Psychologist as well as liaising with a number of other professionals.

What we do?

We provide support to children in their mainstream schools, in reception and key stage one. These children display Social Emotional and Mental Health Needs which are a barrier to them accessing learning.

All children deserve to feel safe and secure. We will work with schools and other professionals. Our aim is to ensure school is a happy, safe, enjoyable and an effective learning environment. We have very high expectations of the children we work with and our aim is for them to be fully included in school life.

We aim to offer - children

We aim to develop the emotional resilience and appropriate social interaction helping the child to develop:

  • Self Esteem
  • Confidence
  • Resilience and empathy
  • Positive relationships
  • The ability to recognise and understand their own emotions and those of others
  • Effective communication of their feelings and emotions
  • Strategies to enable the child to manage their own emotions
  • Perseverance
  • Kindness and respect
  • Responsibility

In turn we help them be ready to learn and re-engage in the classroom. They begin to build skills that are essential for a successful life, both in and out of school.

We Aim to offer – Parents and Families

Although we do not work directly with families in the home, we strive to build relationships with parents/carers. It is vital to work as a team to ensure that the child has consistency in approaches.

  • Direct and signpost families to support services and other teams
  • Attend any Early Help meetings, Social Service meetings and reviews
  • Although schools are the main point of contact with families, we do have regular communication with parents and families
  • Give any support possible to help families deal with the needs of their child. Support them through any diagnostic assessments which may be carried out

We Aim to offer – School

  • Specialist support, advice and training to staff involved with the child
  • Access to additional Education Psychology advice when needed. This may be for more specific advice and support
  • We liaise with a variety of professionals and often give advice and signpost staff to other services and funding
  • We support staff to enable them to develop strategies to reintegrate the child back into learning
  • We assist the staff through the sharing of ideas and strategies. We promote a more flexible, positive approach to re-engaging children in the classroom
  • We model a variety of practical approaches which are tailored to the needs of the individual child
  • Whenever possible we offer a flexible working pattern to meet the needs of the child and the school

How to request our support

Schools can request our support in consultation with parents/Carers. Applications will be considered via the ASAP panel.

Who to contact

Susan Brown/ Debbie Forster/ Karen Harrison
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