Part of our local offer

Newcastle Educational Psychology Service

Newcastle Educational Psychology Service

Educational Psychologists work with the City’s children and young people, aged 0 to 25 years, who have Special Educational Needs (SEN) Educational Psychologists all have a first degree in psychology and a higher degree in Educational Psychology.

The Educational Psychology Service is funded by the Local Authority to provide statutory advice during an assessment for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. During these assessments, the Service works with families, schools and settings and other professionals  as well as with the child or young person themselves.

Currently the very high number of requests for statutory EHC assessments means that the Educational Psychology Service is unable to provide its usual traded service to schools to support their early intervention and preventative work around SEN. However the Service is continuing to support schools and settings through a core offer of activities. These core activities are free to schools and settings and are designed to either help develop staff skills and knowledge  or to offer support to children and young people  with specific identified needs. Please click on this link to see a summary of the core offer, or scan or click the link below to access the EPS Resource Library.

Please note that although the Service welcomes discussions with parent / carers and other professionals; we are not able to accept referrals directly from  these groups.

To find out more about the role of the Educational Psychologist, please watch the video below:



More from the Educational Psychology Service: 

Tools for Support

Person Centred Practice

Everything that we do is underpinned by person-centred practice (Rogers, 1975). We have produced this short video explaining what this means, and how you could also be person-centred. 

Basic PH Model of Coping

Circles of Vulnerability

Cognition and Learning

Executive Function

Executive Function Video

Communication and Interaction

Autism Padlet

Teen Life Programme

Social Emotional Mental Health

Understanding and Developing Social, Emotional and Mental Health Skills (SEMH)

Anxiety and Worry


ADHD Staff Training

SEMH Art Intervention

Zones of Regulation Training

Sensory and Physical

Content coming soon

International New Arrivals

The KaleidRAScope Project

Emotionally Based School Non Attendance

EBSNA Offer to Schools 2022-23

Group Consultation

Solution Circles


School Transitions

Inclusive Practice

In School Enhanced Inclusion Programme 

Effective Intervention in Schools

Day 6 Provision

Day 6 Provision

Time / Date Details

Sessions run Monday to Friday 8.30 – 4.30
We work into schools and settings during school term time


A referral is required to access this service. An Educational Psychologist becomes involved following a request from the Local Authority to contribute to the statutory assessment of a child or young person, or when a school or setting funds early intervention or preventative work. 

Who to contact

Lara Lillico
0191 277 4577
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