Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Training
Safeguarding Children Courses – Multi Agency
To book: Newcastle City Council employees can book on these courses via LMS All other learners should use the links below to apply.
Need assistance 0191 277 2091
Safeguarding Children Level Three: Delivered by NSCP
This course is for members of the workforce who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers. It is also relevant to those who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening, and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns.
Prior to this course you should have completed safeguarding training at both levels 1 and 2. You could have completed these via single agency training or e-learning (see E-Learning Courses for Children and Adults – core courses below).
Restorative Practice Awareness Session: Delivered by Newcastle City Council
This is for multiagency practitioners who work with children and families. Restorative Practice is a proactive strength-based approach that reinforces the importance of building and maintaining positive relationships, by seeking to understand the needs of the people in your community. The Restorative Approach involves a journey of change using the principles of collaboration and inclusion.
Safeguarding Adult Courses – Multi Agency
Use this link to access the NSAB programme which includes:
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Courses
- Mental capacity Act Courses
- Risk Assessment and Management Planning
- Safeguarding Adults Training at levels 1, 2 and 3
- Self-Neglect Thematic workshop
Newcastle City Council employees can book on these courses via LMS All other learners should use the links below to apply.
Need assistance? Contact 0191 277 2091
E-Learning Courses for Children and Adults
E-learning courses are provided by ME Learning are certificated and free:
- Safeguarding Adults Level 1 Basic Awareness
- Safeguarding Children Level 1
- Safeguarding Children Level 2
- Mental Capacity Act Basic Awareness
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Basic Awareness
- Child Sexual Exploitation Level One
- Gangs and Youth Violence
Use this link to register as a new learner or login as an existing learner
Need assistance? Contact 0191 277 2091
External e-Learning/resources
Resources provide by external organisations. They cover some specific areas of safeguarding practice which complement the core course content offered by the NSCB and NSCP. Not all courses are certified.
- National Review of Non-Accidental Injury in Under 1s
- Counter-terrorism (including Prevent)
- County Lines
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)
- National Referral Mechanism
- Scams
- Section 45 Defence (Modern Slavery Act) Awareness
- Self-neglect and hoarding
Other training programmes and information:
Domestic Abuse (Safe Newcastle)
Early Help and Early Years Training
Minimising the Risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - Newcastle Safeguarding