SEND Communications
SEND Communications
Welcome to our page!
On this page you will find out what we are doing to improve SEND Services in Newcastle.
In this video, Deanne Taylor, Head of SEND, explains what she is doing to improve communications with parent, carers and professionals:
We are always happy to receive feedback.
Please send any comments to
Newcastle Support Directory menu
- Accessible versions of the 2022 Green Paper
- Calendar of meetings
- Misconceptions and Mythbusters
- National SEND Review Consultation
- New Ofsted Area SEND inspection framework
- Newcastle Strategic Mental Health Plan
- Newcastle Therapies re-design
- Noddy No-nonsense guide to SEND Law
- Parent/Carer Forum
- Response to the Green Paper from Newcastle SEND Local Area Partnership
- SEND Recruitment
- You said, we did!
- What are the SEND reforms?
- Contact us
- Disclaimer
- Education and Training
- I am a Parent/Carer (local offer)
- Getting Started with the Newcastle Local Offer
- What is the Local Offer?
- Education, Health and Care Plans and Requesting an Education, Health and Care needs assessment
- Newcastle City Council SEND Services
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support, Assessment and Review Team
- Newcastle Educational Psychology Service
- SEND Outreach Service
- SEND Outreach Service - Social Emotional and Mental Health
- SEND Sensory Service
- Children’s Vision Team
- Hearing Impairment Service
- School Effectiveness SEN
- Newcastle SEND Advice and Support Allocation Panel (SEN ASAP)
- Newcastle City Council Autism Education Trust Training Hub
- SEND Descriptors of Need
- SEND Outreach Service - Cognition and Learning Team
- SEND Outreach Service - Early Years
- SEND Outreach Service- Communication and Interaction Team
- SEND Outreach Service- Developmental Language Disorder Team
- SEND Outreach Service- Specific Learning Difficulties Team
- SEND Transport
- SEND related policies and strategies
- SEND funding guide
- EHC Annual Review Toolkit
- Introducing our Mascot
- SEND Voice
- Meet the Voice team
- Education Health Care Plans - making your voice heard
- Mini Lockdown Project
- Accessibility Strategy
- Children and young people's experiences of lockdown
- Childrens champions workshop development
- Experiences of Transitions
- Happiness Survey Feedback
- Improving our Education, Health and Care processes with Parents and Carers
- Secondary survey designed with Young people’s Champions
- Teen Health
- Therapies re-design workshop for Parent/carers- Lunch and Learn session
- Education and Training
- Preparing for Adulthood
- Employment
- Money and Benefits
- Getting Around
- SEND Inclusive Activities
- Information, Advice and Support
- Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
- Children's Social Care
- Keeping children safe - Safeguarding
- Care and Support for Adults
- Keeping adults safe - Safeguarding
- Health Services
- Young person health concerns
- Health Complaints and Feedback
- Designated Medical Officer and Designated Clinical Officer
- Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO)
- Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR)
- Support for young adult carers
- Support whilst you are waiting for an appointment / treatment
- SEND Communications
- Accessible versions of the 2022 Green Paper
- Calendar of meetings
- Misconceptions and Mythbusters
- National SEND Review Consultation
- New Ofsted Area SEND inspection framework
- Newcastle Strategic Mental Health Plan
- Newcastle Therapies re-design
- Noddy No-nonsense guide to SEND Law
- Parent/Carer Forum
- Response to the Green Paper from Newcastle SEND Local Area Partnership
- SEND Recruitment
- You said, we did!
- SEND Commissioning
- SEND Portal
- SEND Services contact details
- Getting Started with the Newcastle Local Offer
- I am a Child/Young Person (homepage)
- I am a Parent/Carer (homepage)
- I work with Children and Families
- National Framework
- Local Framework
- Resources
- 'What works' resource
- Barnardo's Independence Project
- CEOP Keeping Children Safe Online
- Childline
- Domestic Abuse Information and Support for Practitioners
- First Words Together
- Funding Opportunities
- Gap and Map Project – Changing Lives
- Health
- Mind of My Own (MOMO)
- Money Worries
- NEPACS 1:1 Support for Young People
- Networking and events
- Nitrous Oxide Briefing for Professionals
- Non-Binary Group at Galafield
- Northumbria Violence Reduction Unit
- Pets as Therapy- resource for educational settings
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Rix WIKI
- Safe Lives resource pack
- Vaping Advice and Guidance
- Young carers
- Early Years Financial Incentive - Golden Hello
- Job Vacancies
- Training and Professional Development
- Courses related to Health
- Domestic Violence and Gender Equality Champion Training
- Domestic abuse training
- Early Help and Early Years Training
- Gambling Harm Prevention Workshops
- I CAN EYSEND Partnership – free online training for Early Years professionals
- Look Say Sing Play
- Mental health training
- National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)
- Newcastle City Learning
- Public Health Multi-Agency Training
- Reducing Parental Conflict
- Relational and Restorative Practice
- Safeguarding Training
- Sex Work, Survival Sex and Sexual Exploitation Training
- Sexual health training
- Solihull Approach Foundation Training 0-19
- Local Offer Accessibility Statement
- Provider Portal (Overview page)
- Terms and Conditions
- I work with families
- Latest events
- Council Services
- Jargon Buster
- 1.Activities for children aged 0 - 5
- Asylum and Immigration
- Benefits and debt advice
- Birth registration
- Children and Families Newcastle @ Byker Sands Family Hub
- Children and Families Newcastle @ Galafield Family Hub
- Comments, complaints and compliments about children's social care
- Debt and welfare advice
- Domestic abuse - younger person
- Domestic abuse support
- Domestic violence and abuse
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and financial support (Tax-Free Childcare and Universal Credit Childcare)
- Early Language and the Home Learning Environment
- East
- Family Support
- Free childcare for under fives
- Health Visiting
- Health
- Holiday Activity Fund (HAF)
- Housing and homelessness
- I am a parent carer (Families)
- I am a young person (Families)
- Inner West
- Mental health and Wellbeing
- Mental health and counselling
- Mental health services (beyond Start for Life parent-infant mental health)
- Newcastle City of Sanctuary
- Newcastle Youth Fund
- North
- Outer West
- Parent-Infant Relationships and Perinatal Mental Health Support
- Parenting Support
- Parenting
- Pregnancy and antenatal
- Reducing Parental Conflict - Support for Parents
- Rix Wiki event - 9 December at 4:00pm
- SEND Voice | If you are a parent/ carer or young person who would like to help us look at what we mean by accessibility please get in touch
- Sex and Relationships
- Start For Life
- Start for Life 0-2
- Start for life
- Stop smoking support
- Test Locality Search