Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse


HOPE Training and Consultancy offer free cross-cultural training webinars aimed at professionals working within the domestic abuse, sexual violence and safeguarding sectors.

You can also watch key highlights from previous webinars on the H.O.P.E Training Consultancy YouTube Channel Hope Training Consultancy - YouTube

Respect offer training on work with perpetrators of domestic abuse, male victims and young people’s violence in close relationships.

SafeLives offer a wide range of training on domestic abuse for frontline practitioners and managers.

The Safe and Together Institute’s virtual academy offers training webinars aimed at professionals working with domestic abuse perpetrators.

VictimFocus offer a wide range of training and resources on abuse, violence and trauma. 

Make a Change is a free programme for anyone over 18 in Newcastle who is concerned that they might be hurting, scaring or trying to control their partner, and wants help to change their behaviour. See leaflet below

Please find below the Safe Newcastle Domestic Abuse Multi Agency Training Programme for 2024 – 2025.

The first few pages should answer any questions you may have about registering for the courses.

For more information, please contact Joanne Douglas:  

You can also visit the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website for details of domestic abuse training available across Northumbria: Tackling Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence - Northumbria PCC

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