SEND Commissioning

SEND Commissioning


Please click here to read through the sway for involving children and young people in the commissioning of services: Involving SEND children and young people in the commissioning of services- Young Advisor scheme. (

Please click here to read the sway about setting up parent/carer and young people's commissioning advisory groups: Setting up Parent/Carer and Young People's Commissioning Advisory Groups (


Alternative Provision and Specialist Tuition Flexible Framework 

Newcastle City Council wants to support Schools to access safe, good quality Alternative Provision which meets the individual needs of children and young people. We value the highly flexible nature of alternative provision and how it can be tailored to meet individual needs, and re-engage children and young people in education using a wide range of specialised education and support.

Newcastle City Council has engaged a number of providers under a Flexible Framework Agreement, open to schools, which will allow purchasing of AP placements. Please click here to read the brochure.


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