Barnardo's Independence Project

Barnardo's Independence Project


We provide up to 6 months support, to 12-18 year olds, who are stepping down from Tier 3 Mental Health Services. As well as aiming to prevent them returning back into Tier 3 Services.

Since 2015 our service has been offering this model of emotional well-being support to young people. The Independence Project concentrates on emotional wellbeing through a Social Prescribing Model.

The young person is allocated a wellbeing and empowerment practitioner who will provide 1:1 support, to develop an outcome focused support plan, specifically tailored to the young person's needs, while liaising with other professional and agencies.

The outcomes the service aims to support young people around include:

  • increased confidence
  • improved Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • access to information on health issues
  • reduction in level/risk of harm
  • increased opportunities and activities.

Interventions could include but are not extensively limited to:

  • practical support
  • creation/implementation of personal wellbeing plans
  • emotional support
  • active listening
  • support to engage in positive activities.

If you would like to make a referral or wish to discuss a young person that you think might benefit from support, please contact us on 0191 271 4615 or

Our address is Barnardos Young People and Families Team, Cowgate Community Centre, Houghton Avenue, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 3UT.

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