Early Language and the Home Learning Environment

Early Language and the Home Learning Environment


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Parent Information

Look Say Sing Play

First Words Together Programme

First Words Together @ Riverside

First Words Together @ Cowgate

First Words Together @ St Martins Centre

Guidance and Documents

Home learning environment (HLE) includes both the physical characteristics of the home, and the quality of learning support a child receives from their caregivers. Studies show that everyday conversations, make-believe play, and reading activities are particularly influential features of the HLE. Daytime routines, trips to the park and visits to the library have also been shown to make a positive difference to children’s language development. HLE services support parents and carers to encourage children’s early learning at home and to develop warm and nurturing parenting behaviours that encourage children’s natural curiosity. These are especially strong predictors of children’s achievements at school, over and above parental income and social status.

First Words Together

Look Say Sing Play


Training for early years SENCos, managers and early years practitioners to enable excellent support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in early years settings.I CAN EYSEND Partnership – free online training for Early Years professionals 



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