Vaping Advice and Guidance

Vaping Advice and Guidance


There are a number of resources available around Vaping.


  1. A cover letter from ADPHNE and Fresh to education colleagues for localities to send out, introducing the materials, outlining the context and setting out key facts around smoking and vaping as well as signposting to other key documents including the ADPHNE position statement and briefing on youth vaping.
  2. Two posters which can be displayed where students will see them, such as school toilets, classrooms, canteens, and noticeboards.
  3. An electronic leaflet designed for parents and carers giving more information about smoking and vaping.  This can be shared with parents, for example via newsletters or emails.
  4. A short, animated film which can be used in PSHE lessons, form times and assemblies, to start discussions
  5. PowerPoint slides ready for use by teachers in the classroom alongside the animated film to guide discussions.
  6. To back up the slides for classroom use is a more detailed slide set for teachers, providing additional information to support educators, answering questions and signposting to additional support.


The suite of resources is also hosted hereSchools resources on vaping - Discussion - Fresh Local Tobacco Control Network - Knowledge Hub ( (you need to join this if not already a member)

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