Sex Work, Survival Sex and Sexual Exploitation Training
Sex Work, Survival Sex and Sexual Exploitation Training
We are experts in engaging and motivating women and children through our expertise on the impact of trauma, the unique barriers they face and the importance of gender-nuanced services. We run dedicated women’s centres and services for those at risk or struggling with challenging circumstances such as homelessness, addiction, abuse, selling sex, sexual exploitation or navigating the criminal justice system - with a focus on recovery, resilience, and community integration.
This training is suitable for:
• Professionals in statutory services, e.g. police, social workers and NHS Staff
• All frontline practitioners and carers of young people and vulnerable adults
• Students
Training dates:
There are 18 dates to choose from across the six Local Authority areas in Northumbria.
You can register on any date – you don’t have to attend a course in the area where you work.
Times: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm
Please note: this training is free to attend for staff working across the Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Sunderland and Gateshead Local Authority areas, for the benefit of Northumbria residents. It is being delivered by the Women’s Safety in Public Places Project Team on behalf of Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness.
For queries relating to registration and access requirements:
For queries relating to the content of the course:
To book a place, please click on the link in the attached flyer.